One allotment which became available after one of our villagers left was deemed to be a perfect opportunity for a community allotment. It is a well-structured plot already full of fruit bushes, rhubarb, herbs and lots of bee loving plants such as lavender!
We would like to offer the opportunity for anyone to come and help tend the plot, plant, sow, weed, and eventually reap the harvest, or simply come and sit and encourage us as we toil!
So every dry Wednesday afternoon, after the clocks change, from 2 till around 4.30…and the 1st Sunday of the month 3-6pm, one or more of us will be on the plot.
It is the 3rd plot on the right hand side as you enter from The Green North, opposite the Vicarage.
We have a few seats and a table already positioned and between us all, we have plenty of tools. Tea making materials will be available.
In due course we hope to have a produce table and share surplus seeds, seedlings and of course the inevitable endless supply of overgrown courgettes!
This an inclusive venture so anyone is welcome of any age and ability and no knowledge of gardening is necessary!